Annual General Meeting


The Society Board met this month and confirmed that this year’s AGM will take place on Monday, 26 June 2023. The time and venue of the AGM will be sent in due course but it is the intention of the Board to hold this meeting in person. We will also investigate if we can stream the meeting for people who are unable to attend.

Elections to the Society Board

There are currently six elected members of the Society Board and, having considered rule 62, where one third of the Board will resign each year, we can confirm that there are two vacancies on the Board at the AGM. As the two longest serving board members, it was determined that Gavin Jones and Brian Phillips will stand for election.

Formation of an Election Management Group (EMG) is required to facilitate the elections and this comprises an independent Chair along with two members. We therefore request that members who are willing to assist with the EMG please contact me by e-mail at

Proposed Board resolution

The Board have received new model policies for Board membership, Board elections, Board meetings and Member meetings from the Football Supporters Association (FSA). The Board are currently reviewing these and intend to propose the new policies for approval at the AGM and these will be circulated ahead of the AGM for consideration along with a summary of key changes.

Request for Resolutions from Members

The AGM of the Society allows member resolutions to be proposed to the wider membership providing it is in accordance with Rule 27 of the Society. If you would like to submit a specific resolution to the AGM then please e-mail me on with the subject “Resolution for the AGM” by 29 May 2023.