Meeting date, time and venue
The Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday, 26th June 2023 with a start time of 7:30pm at the Maesgwyn Hall, Mold Road, Wrexham, LL11 2AF. The meeting will also be broadcast on Zoom and login details will be sent to members closer to the time.
Meeting Agenda
- Approval of Minutes from 2022 Annual General Meeting
- Confirmation of Society Board election
- Chairman’s Report
- Treasurer’s Report
- Voting on resolution, including Election of Auditors
- WST Assets Limited accounts
- Any Other Business
Elections to the Society Board
A total of two valid nominations to the Society Board were received from Brian Phillips and Scott Moreton. Rule 57 of the Society states: “The Society shall have a Board of Directors comprising not less than six and not more than twelve persons.”
The two nominations will result in the Board having the minimum six Directors as defined in Rule 57, and therefore rule 9.4 of the Election Policy will apply: “… The exception shall be that should the failure to elect any of the validly nominated candidates leave the Board below the minimum required under the Rules for them to act, all validly nominated candidates shall be deemed elected by the EMG and this declared at the AGM.”
Although there will be no election, each candidate has provided a profile to support their nomination:
Brian Phillips:
My name is Brian Phillips. I am a recently retired fully qualified accountant of over 40 years service in the Finance Departments at various local authorities. Thirty of these have been post qualification.
I joined the Trust Board in January 2016 as a Co-opted member having replied to an advert for the Treasurer’s vacancy. This role has suited me well, complementing the vast financial experience I have from my day-job. During this period, and particularly, more recently, I have also managed payments back to Members of Community Shares that they purchased in the early days of the Trust as well as helping with the transition from a legacy manual member system to a new automated one. I have also managed the issue of new membership cards after an absence of a few years.
I have held the Treasurer position since 2016 and have also been the Chair between 2020 to 2022 helping the Board through Covid and also helping to secure the successful takeover of the Club from the WST to RR McReynolds Company.
I look forward to continuing to play an active part on the Board, both helping it as well as the WST Members.
Scott Moreton:
I currently work in the field of pharmaceutical manufacturing across many different sites in the UK. I’m involved in preparing and presenting for regulatory audits as well as being involved in new projects.
Being part of a young family now I don’t get to as many away games as I used to but I have been a Wrexham Supporter since the 70s, hence I’ve have seen alot in that time.
I voted “Yes” for the proposed takeover but maintain the requirement for the WST is still important.
I believe passionately in fairness for all.
My interests haven’t changed much over the years and I’m still passionate about Music and books, listening and reading the old fashion way.
There are two resolutions to be considered by members at the AGM.
Resolution A:
Proposed by Society Board
The Society resolves that Xeinadin Audit Limited (formerly McLintocks Partnership (NW) Limited) are reappointed as statutory auditors of the Society for the 2023 financial year.”
This resolution is an ordinary resolution and requires a majority of votes cast for it to be passed (Rule 51).
Resolution B:
Proposed by the Society Board
The Society adopts the following new policies that are to take effect from the end of the 2023 AGM:
- Election Policy
- Standing Orders for General Meetings
- Standing Orders for Society Board Meetings
- Code of Conduct for Board members (formerly Board membership and conduct policy)
Background information:
- The new policies are the updated version of the policies prepared by the Football Supporters Association
- This is a summary of key changes:
- Election Policy:
- The Election Management Group is now known as the Elections Committee
- Nominations and Eligibility: Members must be a member for 6 months prior to the AGM but this eligibility can be waived or varied by the Elections Committee. Previous policy was 90 days
- The full policy can be viewed here
- Standing orders for Members’ meetings:
- Definitions: Additional definitions that defines the Chair and types of meeting, and the removal of Treasurer
- Closure of debate: Meeting duration changes from four hours to two-and-a-half hours
- The full policy can be viewed here
- Standing orders for Board meetings:
- Definitions: Additional definitions that defines the Chair and types of meeting, and the removal of Treasurer.
- General: Removal of references to the Club Board
- Meetings: Maximum duration of two hours and no longer required to be advertised
- The full policy can be viewed here
- Code of Conduct for Board Members:
- New position of Communication’s Officer (rule 18)
- The full policy can be viewed here
- Election Policy:
This resolution is an ordinary resolution and requires a majority of votes cast for it to be passed (Rule 51).
Voting instructions:
Members can vote in person at the AGM or through our nominated independent voting company, Mi-Voice. Mi-Voice has sent instructions to all registered members via e-mail and by letter, if we do not hold a valid e-mail address.
Alternatively, please visit and enter your unique voter code, which has been provided by Mi-Vote.
If you have any questions or require assistance voting, please contact Mi-Voice, the organisation managing the voting on behalf of the Trust at or by calling +44 (0) 2380 763 987.
Supporting documents
The following documents are also available for members to read in advance of the AGM:
- Minutes from from 2022 Annual General Meeting
- WST Accounts for Financial year 2022
- WST Assets Limited accounts for the period ending 31 December 2022