Just a reminder to members that the closing date for nominations for the Trust Board is Monday 27th May 2019.
There are four vacancies on the Trust Board. During the course of the year board member Richard Ulrich stood down and recently board member Mark Jones has indicated that for personal reasons he is not in a position to continue. Mike Lewis has also given notice that, for similar reasons, he will not be able to continue in post beyond the AGM. We would like to thank Richard, Mark and Mike for all their hard work and contributions during their time on the board. Although no board member is subject to the three year rule this year, Peter Jones has indicated that he will stand down (and seek re-election) to ensure there are four vacancies.
The rules provide for an election management group to oversee the process consisting of the independent secretary, a trust member not on the board (this year Clive Popplewell) and someone not connected with the Trust – this year we will be assisted by Richard Lynes non-executive director of Chester FC.
For details of the process and also about resolutions for the AGM please see HERE
The AGM will be held on Thursday 27 June at 7:30pm in the Centenary Club.
Thank you