Meeting date, time and venue
The Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday, 27th June 2024 with a start time of 7:30pm at Hill Street Wrexham, 10 Hill Street, Wrexham LL11 2SN. The meeting will also be broadcast on Zoom and login details will be sent to members closer to the time.
Meeting Agenda
- Approval of Minutes from 2023 Annual General Meeting
- Chairman’s Report
- Treasurer’s Report
- Voting on resolutions, including Election of Auditors
- WST Assets Limited accounts
- Any Other Business
Elections to the Society Board
No nominations were received to join the Society Board and there will be no election at the 2024 AGM.
As a result, elected members will reduce to four following the AGM and Rule 57 of the Society states: “The Society shall have a Board of Directors comprising not less than six and not more than twelve persons.”
Therefore, the Society Board will appoint at least two co-opted members following the AGM to return its number to six required by Rule 57.
There are two resolutions to be considered by members at the AGM.
Resolution A – Changes to Rules to allow virtual member meetings:
Proposed by Society Board
To resolve that the Rules be amended by adding “which includes the power to hold the meeting virtually” to existing Rule 40.
Existing Rule 40 states:
40. The Society Board may decide where a general meeting is to be held.
Following the addition, Rule 40 will state:
40. The Society Board may decide where a general meeting is to be held which includes the power to hold the meeting virtually.
This resolution is an extraordinary resolution and requires a majority of not less that 75% of votes cast for it to be passed (Rule 51).
Background information:
Following the end of the pandemic, the Society has held meetings in person and virtually. However, the number of people attending in person has significantly reduced and the rule change will allow the Board to hold all future meetings virtually.
Resolution B – Appointment of Auditors:
Proposed by the Society Board
To resolve to reappoint Xeinadin Audit Limited (formerly McLintocks Partnership (NW) Limited) as auditors of the Society, to hold office until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting at which the accounts of the Society are laid before the Members, and to authorise the Society Board to determine their remuneration.
This resolution is an ordinary resolution and requires a majority of votes cast for it to be passed (Rule 51).
Voting instructions:
Members can vote in person at the AGM or through our nominated independent voting company, Mi-Voice. Mi-Voice has sent instructions to all registered members via e-mail and by letter, if we do not hold a valid e-mail address.
Alternatively, please visit www.mi-vote.com/secure and enter your unique voter code, which has been provided by Mi-Vote.
If you have any questions or require assistance voting, please contact Mi-Voice, the organisation managing the voting on behalf of the Trust at support@mi-voice.com or by calling +44 (0) 2380 763 987.
Supporting documents
- Minutes from the 2023 Annual General Meeting
- WST Accounts for Financial Year 2023
- WST Assets Limited accounts for the period ending 31 December 2023